Newspaper Clipping from the NORTHERN CHAMPION SATURDAY 26 JULY 1924 – PAGE 4
The largest and most enthusiastic public meeting yet held at Upper Lansdowne was the response to the recent advertisement convening a meeting for 21st instant to discuss the matter of reconstructing a public hall on the old site, or of building a new hall in a central situation. About 100, perhaps more, citizens rolled up and after considerable discussion they decided to proceed with the construction of a new hall adjacent to the local post office and public school.
A comparative few appeared reluctant to abandon the old site, but refrained from voting against the alternative, which was unanimously agreed to. The present building, which has been a standing reproach to a progressive district for many a day, will be at once renovated by the new committee and made fit to serve the purpose during the interval that must necessarily intervene before the new building is completed. Having regard to the ravages that are usually revealed when the burden of a quarter of a century is laid down and also in deference to the sentimental associations that have gathered around the place it is not proposed to remove the old hall until public sentiment or the ruthless elements rule otherwise.
A representative committee was elected, consisting of the following: Messrs W McLaughlin; J McDonell; D Minett, Jas. Ritchie; T Schubert; W Fennings; L Mitchell; W Atkins and Jas. McLaughlin.
It is interesting to recall that just 25 years ago this week, 24 July, 1899 in Minett’s Hall, a simple little structure that stood in the vicinity of Koppin Yarratt school, a meeting of citizens decided on building the present hall. Their number was small, but their zeal and enthusiasm were great and a comparison of their task with that of those of today can be gauged when one considers that after an exhaustive canvass of the Lansdowne from top to bottom, and after having boldly exploited the neighboring townmen a total was amassed of £32 2s 6d whereas at the meeting on Monday night an amount of £60 was casually donated in about as many seconds. If the community today can emulate the unity and zeal that distinguished those pioneers of 25 years ago, the matter of ways and means will not present many obstacles. A convenient meeting place will help to promote many good purposes in connection with the public activities of the district.