Upper Lansdowne Connect is a communication network for residents to share information and requests for help in emergencies.

2019 to 2021 showed us that the emergency services cannot be everywhere, and that there are things the community can do to help itself, from reporting which bridges are flooded, reporting and clearing fallen trees, helping with food transport or communications to helping your neighbours.

This depends on communication, the most reported problem after those disasters, and it’s too late to start when things go wrong.

We understand that your personal information should stay private, so it is only available to other Upper Lansdowne residents who have registered. In addition you can ask that your details are only visible to coordinators.

Your details can be as little as an address, name, email and phone number or you can offer to help in various ways.

Once you register your property (which must be in Upper Lansdowne or the suroundings), you will have access to the WhatsApp Group, and a community contact list.

The map will look like the image, with more markers. Clicking on a marker shows the address, contact details if public, and any help offered.

Please note that Connect does not replace emergency services. If you feel your life is threatened call triple zero. Each person or family must make their own decisions as their circumstances are different. That means that while we do our best, there is no obligation on any member to respond or assist.

Press Register to start.

If you have already registered but you do not have access then press Send Link to have a link emailed to you.